- Irisana
- Irisana intimate

Here we leave you the 10 questions that more do us, leave us yours in a comment!.
Is easy to place it?
Exist several forms to bend it to enter it, as well as several postures that can use: seated, squatting, of foot with a leg supported in a surface slightly more elevated that the another or in the posture that was you more comfortable. After the first uses will find the posture that better result you to you.
In this drawing are you two forms to bend your Iriscup for his placing:
Before using it during the period, can test it in days without rule: it practises testing to put you it, remove it to you, and experience until you feel you safe. Without fear!
Is comfortable?
As we already said previously, will carry you some uses familiarise you, but rapidamente will give you account of the comfortable that it is, since once put of the correct way, does not feel at all!
Procures to be delicate in the moment to put it and remove it, and especially, take it to you with a lot of calm, mainly while you are not accustomed to her.
If it results you simpler, and also to test his use in days without rule, can use the lubricante to base of water that comes in the cajita of the glass, will facilitate you a lot of all the process.
Can sleep with her?
Of course that if, is more, as no the notes, results very comfortable to sleep, being a method menstrual very hygienic.
Remembers! No more than 12 hours followed, since like minimum once each 12 hours has to vaciar and clean.
And if me ?It loses? Inside?
Although it seem odd, is a very common question. The answer is that it can not lose, our vagina is not infinite and the space is relatively small, and without exit. It can occur in some occasion that cost you remove it, that have descolocado a bit in your interior and do not achieve to remove it with ease. It does not happen at all! The first that you have to do is to reassure you and place you in a position that result you comfortable. To continuation, treats to look for the rabito with the fingers and (trick!) Push softly with the vaginal muscles to out to help to your iriscup to go out.
Can fall ?
If it is very placed, clear that no. You can go quietly to the bathroom without fear to that fall .
Can use during all the rule?
If. So much the days with little flow like the ones of a lot. As it treats of a totally inert material that does not produce reaction any with your body, and besides his function is to collect the blood in place of absorverla, will not have problem of dryness.
That it is done?
Iriscup Is manufactured in silicone 100% platinum, an inert material (does not react with at all) and totally sure in contact with the body. It treats of a safe material regarding citotoxicidad, hipersensibilidad and irritation of the vaginal mucosa Has the ISO 10993 of Biocompatibilidad and is manufactured in Spain.
Can use with DIU? And with ring?
If. The glass menstrual Iriscup and the DIU are compatible, without interfering one on the another. The same occurs with the vaginal ring, although this find in a different place that the DIU and can ?Find? With the glass, the correct use of both does them perfectly compatible.
Equally, always go you to recommend that in front of specific doubts related with a contraceptive method, consult with your gynaecologist.
Can do activities like swimming or bathe me in the sea?
If, of course, in fact Iriscup is ideal for these activities. It adapts to you and it is perfect to practise any type of sport and of course swim or bathe you in the caluroso summer.
Those that hard years?
Iriscup Has an useful life of 10 years, only 4 glasses in all the life!
More info on the glass menstrual Iriscup in
Iriscup: by a conscious and sustainable menstruation.