When it finishes the summer and leave to go to the beach or to the swimming pool, and therefore to expose us in the sunlight directly, is moment to loan special attention to our skin and offer him the best hydratation. By his exceptional composition and his properties like effective regenerador of the skin, the Oil of Rosa Mosqueta has turned into our best ally.
Known by many like the "seed of the eternal youth", the Oil of Rosa Mosqueta is a vegetal oil used from ancestral times for the care of the skin, that extracts directly of the seeds of Rosa Rubiginosa, a bush of the family of the roses whose composition contains mostly (between 70% and 80%) numerous essential acids, like the omega3, omega6 and sour linoleico, in addition to vitamins To, C or And and natural antioxidants like the retinol, that convert this oil in a perfect product for the care of the skin.
Rosa Mosqueta of which extracts the Oil of Rosa Mosqueta grows of wild way in the foothills of the region south of the Mountain range of Andes, in Chile and Argentina. It can exceed the two metres of height and possesses tallos thin, flexible and curvos that are covered of spines of colour violáceo.
The plant develops some reddish fruits of oval form called aquenios; some very fleshy fruits of until two centimetres that are full of seeds and are topped of cortaduras.
The aquenios are very rich in acid ascórbico, vitamin To, riboflavina, sour nicotínico, málico and citrus, azucares, etc. In his interior find his seeds (between 15 and 20), of which extracts an oil of yellow colour with reddish tones: the Oil of Rosa Mosqueta.
Being able to penetrate to layers deeper of the skin, the Pure Oil of Rosa Mosqueta causes the activation of the cells to stimulate the production of colágeno and elastin, responsible of the firmness and elasticity of the dermis.
Is especially indicated for the regeneration of fabrics damaged, the retard in the apparition of marks of premature aging, prevention of the training of crease, the treatment of the skin affected by burns or exhibition to radiotherapy.
If we add the capacity of repair and of restoration of the vitality of the skin, will find that this oil is able to delete cutaneous marks, such like scars or groove and give back to the skin to his normal state after an aggression.
If we use the Oil of Rosa Mosqueta of usual form, will help to the prevention of some cutaneous disorders, in addition to that luciremos a young and radiant skin thanks to the concentration of natural antioxidants that combat the free radicals, helping to delay the visible signs of the aging.