- Irisana
- Irisana intimate
KINESIOLOGY COVER Irisana intimate with Tourmaline, is a strip autoadhesiva and elastic, used for the vendaje neuromuscular and with excellent results in the relief of pains menstruales. It constitutes a natural therapy favoured by the tourmaline, of effects painkillers to local level.
Manufactured in cotton and poliuretano, incorporates autoadhesivo of medical use, Cyanoacrilato, and Tourmaline.
The Tourmaline is a mineral that improves the adhesion and the resistance to the vendaje and has analgesic properties: in contact with the skin reacts giving off heat and negative ions that penetrate in depth and favour the blood flow, therefore, the Tourmaline has an effect sedativo nervous to local level, improves the circulation and the lymphatic drainage.
KINESIOLOGY COVER IRISANA intimate, is hipoalergénica, resistant to the water, does not contain medicines neither latex. It can carry put during several days and while they practise sportive activities.
Recommends use it from the first symptoms, even before it initiate the menstruation, so that it was more effective.
Can wet without that his effects see reduced.
Possesses an optimum elasticity in longitudinal sense (between 150-160%), similar to the one of the skin.
When applying it of correct form, activate the receptors of the skin sending information to the system neurovegetativo, that controls the contractions of the útero.
The technician of application is easy to learn: it consists of three strips, two of 15 cm and one of 10 cm.
In the pubic abdominal/zone places in horizontal sense a strip of 15 cm and on her, in his central part, the one of 10 cm in vertical sense.
In the lumbar sacral/zone applies in horizontal sense, a strip of 15 cm, between the gaps that mark the articulation sacroiliaca.
To withdraw the strips, simply have to despegarse in the sense of the growth of the fluff, preferably being wet.
KINESIOLOGY COVER IRISANA intimate, is applicable to all type of patients, taking into account that in the zone of application do not contain eczemas, dermatitis, wounds or irritations.