- Irisana
- Irisana intimate

Before manipulating your Iriscup, wash you carefully the hands.
you Have to esterilizar your glass Iriscup before his first use, as well as at the beginning and at the end of each period.
1.- First day of rule:
Esterilízala before using it: you Can use the bolsita esterilizadora Irisana for microwaves or do it in water boiling during 3 minutes.
2.-While hard the rule:
it Is sufficient with washing it with water and neutral soap every time that the vacíes.
3.- When finishing the rule
Esterilízala the same that the first day of menstruation (point 1) and of turn to his bolsita of cotton.
4.- How I clean it out of house?
If you can not it wash, can use the toallitas the To-Tab Irisana, compressed, hipoalergénicas and biodegradable, that with so only some drops of water expand , obtaining a wipe.
⭐️Trick agujeritos:
To delete the possible rests of flow of the agujeritos of your Iriscup, full the glass of water and with the palm of your hand covers the mouth of the glass. With the another hand presiona and will go out the water by the agujeritos, cleaning them entirely.
⭐️Trick "like new":
If your Iriscup has darkened with the use, leaves your glass during a night (of 8 to 12 hours) in water oxigenada recessed to 50% with water and voilá! It will remain like new!
it Remembers !! You have to vaciar and wash the glass, at least, each 12 hours.