If you gustalimpiar without contaminating without spending a lot in utensilios of cleaning and searches something effective and at the same time simple, the Ecoesponja Irisanawill be your big ally for the cleaning of kitchens and bathrooms, thanks to his can desengrasante and bactericida.
Is a very useful product to clean well and in little time, kitchen, bathrooms, car, shoes etc. Uses simply with water (better temperate), or with a bit of detergent if the dirt is very persistent.
Has two actions, inhibit the proliferation of germs and dissolve and disintegrate the fat. All thanks to the material with which is manufactured: exteriormente is 100% acrylic, and in his interior contains ceramics with nanoplata that ionise the water and have can bactericida.
Hard around a year according to his use and care, as it suits to keep it the driest possible, and even dry it in the sunlight several times to the month.
Will save detergent and time while you cuidar your surroundings. Test it together with the Clay Blanca Irisana and will see the resutados!