10 tips for responsible and sustainable holidays
10 tips for responsible and sustainable holidays
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Tips and care for your Bbo Irisana borosilicate glass bottle
Tips and care for your Bbo Irisana borosilicate glass bottle
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Advice, care and some tricks for your double-layer stainless steel Bbo Irisana bottle
Councils, cares and some trick for your bottle Bbo Irisana of stainless steel of double layer.
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Valentine's contest winners list
Publish the list of the winners of the draw of it Bonos of Hotel between the customer that bought in www.irisana.com during the period of promotion. The Bonos already were sent by email to the winners. Thank you very much By the confidence deposited in our web and our products.
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What are reticular glasses?
The reticular glasses or estenopeicas IRISANA allow to see through some small orifices realised in his opaque lens to reduce the dispersion of the light and favour a vision more nítida.
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Can we take care of the environment while we clean?
If it likes you clean without contaminating, without spending a lot in utensilios of cleaning and searches something effective and at the same time simple, the Ecoesponja Irisana will be your big ally for the cleaning of kitchens and bathrooms, thanks to his can desengrasante and bactericida.
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To-tab irisana. Natural wipes
To-Tab Irisana Are toallitas cleansing without chemical products. They do not occupy space as they are compressed hidráulicamente. Have the size and the form of a coin.
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