1.- Before using it for the first time wash it with water and neutral soap.
2.- Is recommended that save it empty, clean and dry when you are not it using to avoid bad smells that could arise if we left some organic rest inside. If you leave it destapada, better, like this avoided that it accumulate humidity in the interior.
3.- Remembers to wash the cap every time that you wash the bottle.
4.- If sometime it appeared some stain of oxide because of the quality of the water, fills up the bottle with hot water and vinegar to 10% during 30 minutes. To continuation, wash it and dry it well.
Trick! : It fills up the bottle with water very hot and, when the inner steel have reached temperature, vacíala and fill it up with the liquid that want to drink.
The same can do to the reverse with your cold drinks, cooling first the bottle or even adding a few ices.
What hotter/cold was the liquid to transport, more time will hold the temperature.
Remembers! Put the bottle in the fridge will not serve of at all, since your Bbo Irisana of steel is done to isolate the content of the bottle of the external temperature. ;)
The components of the bottle Bbo Irisana are : stainless steel 304 of double layer, board of silicone of alimentary degree, PP.
♻️As you know, all the components of our bottles are free of BPA, Ftalatos or toxic plastics.
Each gesture explains, reutiliza by your health and the one of the planet!