1. Sustainable mobility for a responsible tourism.
It Chooses well the transport, so much to displace you to your destination as also those that will use to move you daily. It chooses half of transport that save energies and have reduced or invalid broadcasts: it Prevails the public transport, the bicycle and walk.
2. No wastes waters neither energy.
Many times, when we are out of house and lodge us in hotels or apartments, us despreocupamos on the expense of water or electricity without seeing further with the excuse that ?It is all paid?. This waste no only prejudices to the terriotorio in which we find us and in definite, to the planet.
3. It uses sustainable accommodations.
it Chooses the one who more adjust to your economy having present the care and the respect by the environment.
they Exist a lot of new modalities of responsible establishments with the environment in relation with his location, the materials with which are construídos, or the energies that consume.
Hotels concerned for reducing the consumption of water, rural houses that work with energy solar are examples.
4. It respects the nature of the zone.
you do not degrade the ecosystem of the zone that visits, the natural spaces, the animals and the plants. Neither leaving your resíduos neither carrying you at all. Practices like carrying us shells or plants is contrary to the care of this ecosystem that are visiting.
5. Conscious and respectful with the animals in your visits.
If you want to visit a zoo, looks for centres that have rescued animal of the maltreatment to initiate processes of reinserción in the nature like sanctuaries and always very respectful with the animals.
6. It eats responsible and of vicinity.
it Eats in restaurants that offer typical foods elaborated with autochthonous products . Take into account the seasons of veda of some mariscos or fishes and treats in addition to consuming local products and of season. You will contribute to the local economy and will eat healthier and sustainable.
7. It contributes with the local economy.
it Consumes products and own services of the zone and that dinamicen his economy. To the hour to buy a souvenir, chooses local craftsmanship, and for moments of leisure, enjoys of the parties and traditions.
8. Have consideration and respect by the local population.
Travel comport to relate with the people that live in the place that visit, and for this is necessary to know and respect his habits, norms and habits. Inform us previously goes us to help to adapt us perfectly being respectful/ace avoiding like this unnecessary and uncomfortable situations.
9. It minimises the generation of waste.
When we travel, we are used to to treat to carry the less possible and have more tendency to consume products of ?Use and throw?. To avoid this and the rubbish that generates , reutiliza. We can do the same that do in our day in day out: use bottles, stock exchanges and reusable products avoiding plastic and the generation of resíduos.
10. It uses electronic devices in place of paper.
it Tries to have your reservations, maps, guides or notes in digital format, is a good form to reduce the consumption of paper and avoid generate this waste.