With the step of the time, the teeth go putting yellowish or with stains by diverse causes:
- the age
- the frequent consumption of coffee, black tea, matt, sauce of soya, spices like the cinnamon
- habits like the smoke
- a poor care of the teeth and fault of brushed
- use of medicines for the pressure
- some antibiotics like the Tetraciclina and the Doxiciclina
- the excessive use of products with Fluorine
Profits of the active Coal:
In alternative medicine, many times recover ancient knowledges on ancestral remedies. This is the case of the coal activated or carbotécnia that employs to clean and desintoxicar the body.
The active coal is a substance of vegetal origin that has the property to absorb chemicals, gases, heavy metals, proteins, wastes and toxins, being a big ally for the detoxication
The active Coal absorbs of a safe form and with rapidity these substances that cause stains in the teeth.
Acts like exfoliante soft absorbing all the impurities of the teeth that go manchandolos.
Does not affect to the dental enamel.
Does not absorb in the human organism, therefore it does not produce toxicity some as it deletes totally of the organism.
Balances the pH of the mouth, helping to avoid the decays caused by bacteria in a sour pH and also the Gingivitis
Has properties desintoxicantes in the organism, reliefs estomacales and other properties, but a very important for our teeth and encías is the one to combat virus and bacteria: it warns that the viruses and bacteria that have ingresado in our organism keep active and disseminate by the body
The active coal can use in capsules or in dust, and today day in dental brushes with active coal like the one of Irisana, that of natural form, help to bleach our teeth, and also is recommended for the people that have problems of encías