To-Tab Irisana Are toallitas cleansing without chemical products. They do not occupy space as they are compressed hidráulicamente. Have the size and the form of a coin.
To use them, dampen with a bit of water and like this can desenrrollar, achieving a towel of double size to the of other similar towels and, besides, without chemical products or alcohol that resecan and damage our skin.
Are useful to carry in the stock exchange of the baby, in the car, in the bag (for intimate hygiene) or in the rucksack or to use in Restaurants, Hospitals, in a Camping or for any sport.
As they are manufactured in fabric 100% natural and 100% hipoalergénico. They do not contain perfumes neither alcohol neither other chemical products. Thus, they are ideal for the cleaning of babies and people with sensitive skin or with allergies.
Do not contaminate, as his fabric is 100% biodegradable and 100% ecological.
Are reusable, resistant and practical.